Your Neighborhood Electrician

Reliable and professional Electrical Contractor for Massachusetts, Maine & New Hampshire

Safety Inspections

Safety Inspections

Not only do you want to be sure your electrical & mechanical systems are operating correctly, but you also want to be sure they are safe too. Electrical systems have issues with connections, heating systems have issues with heat exchangers, and air conditioning with leaking refrigerant.  Some are physical safety matters, and some are health and environmental issues.

Electrical & HVAC Inspection

Poor electrical connections can cause fires, heat exchangers that fail can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, and leaking air conditioning lines can emit environmentally damaging refrigerant.

An annual home heating and cooling inspection are critical to the safety and efficiency of a home’s HVAC system. These inspections serve to improve the efficiency of the system and guarantee the safety of your family.

An electrical inspection would include checking for loose connections, overloaded circuits, smoke detectors, and tightening of main electrical feeders.


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