Ductless heat pumps save money because the technology has been around a while, but did you know their popularity has been rapidly increasing over the years?
Ductless heat pumps save energy and money because the system can save you 30-40 percent off the current energy costs of your current heating and cooling system. Ductless heat pumps are becoming the first choice for homes and additions, along with houses that do not have existing ductwork. Homes in Many homes in New England use forced hot water boilers to heat their home, so they do not have ductwork. If this describes how you heat your home, then a ductless heat pump system would be an ideal choice for you to save money.
Did you know that not only would you be saving money, but you would gain air conditioning too because heat pumps provide both heating and cooling functions.
Many older homes use boilers to deliver hot water for heating. And if you want to add air conditioning, it would require the installation of expensive ductwork and a completely separate system.
A ductless heat pump would solve the problem of having two systems, and of needing ductwork installed. And a Ductless mini-split heat pump would provide you both cooling and heating from one system.
If you are familiar with a window air conditioner, then you may know that it works by transferring heat from inside to outside. Well, a ductless heat pump works in the same manner but is much more technologically advanced energy-saving equipment. The ductless heat pump uses technology to reverses the flow and function of the refrigerant.
Ductless heat pumps save money by providing both of these functions into one unit means there is one less system to worry about.
The standard install consists of an outdoor and indoor ductless heat pump unit. These components make up a system which is referred to as a ductless mini-split system. The “mini” reference is because the system takes up much less space than your traditional home forced air systems.
Because the refrigerant lines go directly to the indoor unit, it delivers heating and cooling much more efficiently than a forced air duct could.
Forced air systems lose efficiency because they are pushing air through a duct system over distance. There is airflow resistance through bends, air leaks, and not to mention the ability to control the airflow in different areas.
Ductless mini-split systems use thin refrigerant piping also know as line-sets. These line-sets deliver the energy to compact indoor air handling units. The indoor units deliver heating and cooling to rooms much more evenly and efficiently, which in turn saves you money on energy.
Ductless heat pumps save money because they can also handle and operate up to eight separate indoor air-handling units for each multi-zone outdoor unit installed.
This way, you will have 8 (eight) individual rooms or zones, each with its own thermostat controller. This will save you a lot of energy and money by using less heat and air conditioning for lesser-used areas of your home.
For larger areas and homes, you may want to consider going with two ductless multi-room outdoor units to boost your indoor cooling and heating capability throughout your entire home.
The extra costs for this installation will more than compensate you for the investment through eventual energy savings. Not only will you be saving money, but you will also be doing your part for more green environmental impact, which will reduce our carbon imprint.
Having a well insulated and sealed home when it comes to heating and air conditioning, will definately help save you energy and money.
In order to maximize your savings, you will want to seal your home’s building “envelope”. You can do this or you may want to have someone come to your home for an evaluation. They will check to make sure you have the proper amount of insulation, that all your windows, doors and attic are sealed correctly.
It makes sense to have a whole house energy evaluation audit done in conjunction with the purchase and install of a new heating and air conditioning system. Having a well insulated and sealed home is especially important in colder climates where heat loss prevelent and when the mini-split works harder to maintain temperature in the winter.
To get the most out of this exciting technology and have the ductless heat pumps save money, you will want to keep your house as energy and environmentally sound with the proper insulation and sealing possible.
The bottom line is, you can’t go wrong having an energy-efficient and environmentally green heating and air conditioning system installed in your home. The total benefit of having a well insulated and sealed home will expotentially increase your energy savings where your payback for the investment shortened by half.